We all knew that this battle was going to end with the victory of the French. But I shall remunerate Bobrova and Soloviev for their FD performance either. I thought for a sec that they were going to win because ther FD was nowhere around I've expected from them. After being in first place after that SD which they didn't deserve at all with this strong, clean FD program I've told my mom "See that, they might win. I cannot believe this" But this time jury was fair. The whole ranking in the FD was as it should've been so I'm pleased.
Short Dance

You could say, among the top 6 or even 7. Bobrova and Soloviev were the worst. With
their poor skating skills, unsynchronized movements, Ekaterina Bobrova's hunch backed annoying posture and irritating choreography that SD was far away from being the best. But somehow they've managed to be the first. I know that the the French lost timing a bit in the beginning of the program but they've managed to chatch it up before the lift and they were making deeper edges in the GPF so I can understand how their score was lower than the GPF. But other than that two facts, they were full of energy and they were fast with no mistakes. They showed us how great skating skills they have as always. Looking at Riazanova and Tkachenko I find them technically impeccable. I wish that they would just seem a bit effortless. Regarding to what they accomplish I'm not saying that they look like amatures but if they can manage
to look confident and include some theatrical looks, they might even be considered as the best couple from Russia. Because they are. They just need time to convince public about it. Coming up to Penny Coomes and Nicholas Buckland. You know how I love this couples demeanor and their vibe and how much I'm into this SD. I love Aguilera's El beso del final and all of the movements just melts in this song. What a shame that they've missed it in the twizzles. It was going to be excuisite. They were fast in the step sequence and transitions were great in the mirror steps because they are trained by the one and only Evgeny Platov. After the Kerr's retirement I'd never thought a couple would come from GB with this much talent. All of their lifts are containing speed and innovation. When the music needs a lift, they give us the lift and their speed level is significantly adding values into their performance. So they deserved to be 4th. Tobias and Stagniunias are not in my favorite list and they need a way go. Unsynchronization on the twizzles and poor skating skills gives them away. I bet they are going to be so much better with team Canton but not there yet. As for the Italians, They
had a trouble but at least should've been ranked above Coomes and Buckland. If they would have been magical just like in the GP they would have been 3rd. They weren't expecting all these series of sync loss and tripping. Was their worst performance but even performing their worst, they always seem fascinating and enchanting. Love their chemistry. Ilinykh and Katsalapov on the other hand were remarkable. Great speed with transitions made with amazing edges. Hands down it was their greatest performance. Them and the italians ranked below so many couples because their movements base values are very low. Cappellini / Lanotte were 25 and Ilınykh / Katsalapov were 24.5 compard to other couples high base values this is the reason they got behind. French could've pass on but their base value was lower than Russian either. So this
is very important. I say this every year. They should not let anyone cross them with their higher base values because when GOW is added to it no matter how great points you have from the Jury you might get behind when it multiplies with base values. Carron and Jones, they are my sentimental favorites! I love this program. And they handled it amazingly. Beginning movements were so cute and well done. Just a bit loss of synchronization on the step seq. but thats all. Even Bobrova and Soloviev tripped there. But they were ranked first. So how come Carron and Jones presents a tremendous program and becomes 8th. This is not the first injustice they experience this season. It happened before in the GP. They were solid and this program is polished beautifuly. Their lifts were hard to accomplish and its transitions were real quick They made deep edges in the pattern sequences. What did they want from them? Last but not leas Zhiganshina and Gazsi wore the same outfits again, which has nothing to do with latin but hands down it was their greatest performance this season. I love this couples deep edges. They were the only ones to accomplish step sequence with deep edges and quick transitions. They never unsynchronized. The main problem with Guignard and Fabbri; either she's taller and bigger or he is too small because they look a bit awkward. I love when women looks tiny near men in ice dancing and the opposite always bothers me. They are a self-improving couple and they were ok. I believe they see Virtue and Moir as idols because usage of their extremities (espesially Charlene's) look alike them. I'm not saying this as a bad thing I think its cute and not annoying at all they look lovely. In years to come we might see them in top 10.
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