I enjoyed watching this season's Canadian Nats., maybe its because most of my sentimental favorites are from Canada. First of all Scott was looking like interesting with his wierd printed shirt but I'm kind of realizing that they are growing up and they are mature human beings. I dont find their SD was as good as it should be. Because we all have been seen them performing this program with so much energy and this performance lacked enthusiasm. But I certainly find them beautiful and I admire their demeanor. About their FD. I've seen some editing. Especially on the first lift which is a terrible idrea because they were fine with that innovative lift and they were progressing on it so why change now? If they can handle that streight line lift they had in 09' and 10' seasons they certainly can handle this one. They've changed it into this ordinary lift that has nothing exciting about it and as much as I love Tessa and Scott I don't think that they are going to be World champions this season. I appreciate Tessa's interest in Funny Face theme but this program is to be honest...boring. Let's give some credit to Meryl and Charlie, they are a lot better and their program contains variety of transitions and quick changes and edgy movements, Tessa and Scott are just hanging around the ice and this choreography lacks everything M&C has in their program. So I wish that they would just come up

with new ideas instead of rehersing the same moves on and on.. It all comes down to them, this is not about the coaches they can easily look at Meryl and Charlie and say " They have a lot of technical stuff that we don't have" and try to change this program. Ok enough of Tessa and Scott..As for the Weaver and Poje. They blow my mind. Their SD was hands down the best performance I have seen this season. Jusst perfection. No suprise they were so close to Tessa and Scott after the SD. They deserved it. And their FD was absolutely astonishing I love this program but once again I told myself "they really need to edit this last lift" they need to cancel the 3rd lift and combine last two lifts in the end because that straight line lift needs something and that is a rotational lift with makes it a long combination lift. It would be perfect because it just seems awkward. Thak God they have these amazing movements aftarwards in the end that changes the mood but there is still 2 seconds screaming for help.Coming to Gilles and Poirier, as much as I loved their SD, I hated their FD. I thought that is was going to be choreographed by Christopher Dean but if it is then I'm disappointed. Because it is great till the end of the first minute then off.. its boring.. sorry but I would expect more from him. Maybe it will progress but draft is there and unless it doesn't have lot of editing on it then certainly this program is not taking them anywhere. But

their SD was impeccable yet innovative. I loved Piper's energy and gleam. I didn't know that she was this much talented Im suprised in a good way and they have a great chemistry, nice choice there Paul! Go with it. Loving loving loving their twizzles! very creative and hard to execute. Loving Piper's yellow outfit. I think it is the best outfit this season. But I can't say the same to their FD outfits. They are terribly lame! I understand their funny look with a tough song like Sweet dreams but they don't need to look childish. İf they would look the opposite ( tough) to their actions (sweet and funny) then it would be clicked but I'm not feeling it like this. Coming to Paul and Islam, they executed clean, poished and solid work out there. They were impeccable but they need some action to at least one of their dances because they are dancing with a rhumba part mostly in their SD and performing to a slow music piece in their FD. I'ts just not right. Ralph and Hill deserved to be 4th. I'm not really into this couple although I adore Asher and his posture and stage presence I believe Kharis being a bir over weighted constitutes as an obsticle for them. But they are passionate and enthusistic so.. wish them the best.