First of all I really think that no one performed full of their capacity. They were all lacking energy and especially speed. Aso for the Davis and White. They were undeniably the best but still they lacked synchronization in some twisted parts. I really liked Mery's outfit in the nationals and I think this one sucks the light out of the dance. She should not wear it at all. So distracting. But her outfit was not the worst. Tessa's outfit shows all the weight she gained. Its not a bad dress. I don't think we can ever see her testeless but it is a wrong choice for her body. She gained a lot of weighed and it showed most of it. Loved her dark bue one. It was the best represented this program. Se was looking absolutely stunning with it but this time I could not see that "Tessa and Scott light" in this program. They were slow and unsure about some of the movements. Scott is having a hard time trying to lift her up. What a shame for great dancers. Tessa should do domething immetiately. I'm not telling all this to offence but to show reality. We cannot deny this. If they don't pull themselves together, they will continue to fall. We all they are so much better than this. Don't start with the whole she had so many surgeries, bad times defention. She had surgery back in 2009 but they returned like a bomb in 2010. They are loosing it. They are not creative anymore. Don't take this all to Zueva and Shpilband. Look how Meryl and Charlie adding their signature movements and speedy, edgy transitions to their programes.

Weaver and Poje were the only ones with full speed. Although Kaitlyn was really nervous and looked a bit uncomfortable about something Her concentration is so high that nothing can get on her way and she shows it. I feel like their chemisty as a couple is getting better everytime I see them. They are more passionate and don't afraid to look or touch each other, this has taken the program into the next level throughout the season. I believe they have recieved lower scores than they deserved it. So did the Shibutani's. Its ok for me to both of the teams to be rated close but not this low. I may still consider them as teenagers and the fact that they are siblings is a bit disturbing to me in ice dancing but this has not prevented my point of view to be objective. In terms of speed they are better than Weaver and Poje. In terms of twizzles they can even be better than Davis and White in the future! so even thought Weaver and Poje are my sentimental favorites, Shibutani's were much better. I have to admit. But should they really have to dress her upthe same as Tessa's dark blue outfit? I bet she is not wearing it because of this. This is kind of the same dress and I hate these kind of situations. They are both team canton so they should have thought about this. I hate emulation. Everyone has the same hair style as the trend Tessa started; straight flat ponytail from the top of the head.

Tessa is a pioneer of fashion in ice dancing. Tessa and Scott are always the ones followed by the others. Their music is being used by other teams this year. They have started the unique, difficult and high end lifts in ice dancing. They are "high ice dancing" even thought they are not as good as they used to be. Madison Hubbell and Alexandra Paul are one of them. I was expecting much from Hubbell and Donohue. But they lacked speed and they were missing all the deep edged transitions. I thought that they were going so strong but they dissapointed me big time. Alexandra and Paul were almost in slowmotion. They are perfection in terms of executing technical elements but they were boring. This program feels like its not even latin. It just doesn't gives the vibe.