Kaitlyn Weaver - Andrew Poje
- My sentimental faves this year opened a bit slower
- Pattern impeccable
- They were very slow I mean they were lack of energy I don't know what happened there.
SD Score 66.24
Nathalie Pechalat - Fabian Bourzat
- Very energic opening great lift positioning.
- Is there something on the ice surface? Nobody is sliding properly
SD Score: 68.68
Ekaterina Bobrova - Dmitri Soloviev
- Wow. Faster that the previous teams. Am I seeing right?
- Edgy entrance to the pattern sequence
- Loss of synchronization in twizzles
SD Score: 64.05
Maia Shibutani - Alex Shibutani
- Very strong opening, keeping the polished moves all the way
- I love Maia's aura, she looks amazing today!
- Fastest team on the sequence so far
- Technically the best by far and I believe that this is their best performance ever in this Grand Prix
SD Score: 65.53
Tessa Virtue - Scott Moir
- The perfect opening ever in the Ice dancing history.
- Oh my God. What a shame on that fall! Hope will not effect the jury
- Very sharp entrance to pattern sequences and they kept the edgy speed into it.
- What a temptation between these two!
- Amazing sequence entrance, just impeccable
SD Score: 71.01 with -1 deduction
Meryl Davis - Charlie White
- Their transitions were not good as Virtue/Moir in terms of technicality
- Impeccible twizzles. The fastest this season !
- I believe they were better but lets see..
SD Score: 76.01
What? My God what a gap between these two. I cannot believe it! Meryl was in shock did you see her face?
She couldn't believe her eyes they all stuck for a moment. There is no way Tessa and Scott can win this Grand Prix unless Davis and White don't fall of present a below an average performance in comparison to Virtue and Moir. I believe Meryl and Charlie were better which I usually don't because I always thought that Virtue and Moir were better then them in this season SD. I was right. It was obvious but this time Meryl and Charlie rocked.
But should there be a big gap between the points? Sure not.
I will be publishing my full and detailed review and fill everything in all the details later.