Bobrova and Soloviev are in nowhere a champions should be. They can be considered as the most experienced and technically best for Cup of China but they were ranked higher than they deserve. In the SD they were fast and accomplished the pattern sequence very good but the way Ekaterina Bobrova uses her extremities is excessive and the fact that she leans foward literally all the time is disturbing. She lookes like she is hunched. Their FD was full of content there is no doubt about that but she ruins everything by leaning foward all the time and with her disproportionate posture. It's really distracting. Their ending to the FD was hidious, they were looking so amature it is unbelievable they were ranked higher (8.86) than Shibutani's (8.11) in timing component scores. Shibutani's may be less experienced but their skating skills are superb and in terms of technicality it is undeniable that they were better than the Russians. Especially in the FD. The lifts were full of content and they were extremely difficult. But they gave us a solid performance. Maybe Russians should

have been the 1st anyway but not with this points difference. They were ranked higher than Pechalat and Bourzat which is ubsurd. They won't be this much appreciated neither in the GP final nor in the Worlds. These points may be their seasons best. Shibutani's are the bronze world medalists and in terms of technicality it is obvious that they were so much better and should have been ranked higher than the Russians, Period!Coming to Coomes and Buckland, they are trained by the one and only Evgeny Platov, after the Kerr's retirement I'd never thought a couple would come from GB whith this much talent. They were tremendous in the SD. They've became 3rd. Choreography was wonderful with "El beso del final" one of my favorite songs from Aguilera. I loved the way they started the program, it captures your attention. All of their lifts are containing speed and innovation. When the music needs a lift, they give us the lift! Their transitions are gorgeous right there thanks to Platov. Their speed level is significantly adding values into their performance. Deterioration in synchronization occured in someways but other than that they accomplished a polished performance. There was so much more verve

and attack. Their last lift and transition was choreographed wonderful, wish they would have managed time well. In the FD I felt the energy to my toes. Their first lift was innovative and is one of the greatest lifs of this season but it was extended so it caused them a deduction. I don't know why but I can't take my eyes of them. Her body and extremities, especially the shape of her legs look so alike to Pasha Grishuk. Overall their FD performance was better than Carron and Jones. They would've ranked higher if they didn't fell, what a shame. Carron and Jones SD on the other hand have more sharpness and they were looking nothing but cute with those outfits. I can't help it I love french teams.They didn't have anything interesting but nice and tidy footork and they did a big pattern on the sequences. Lloyd seems so alike to Maxim Staviski, it is clear

that he examples and loves him. He looks amazing I used to couldn't take my eyes of Maxim so Lloyd had the same effect on me. They are very good on synchronization and transitions. They love mirror sequences and I really appreciate it because to transitate it to reverse is a hard work. I love their second lift which they did on their FD last year either. It suited that program much better but it has became their signature lift and for them to use such and innovative and technically hard lift for the second time is clever. Nothing held back in both of their performances and it seems like they can progress throughout the season quickly. Last but not least Emily Samuelson and Todd Gilles were a bit underrated. They had full of difficult content and great amount of technically hard movements and transition. For a couple that only been together for 6 months they were really good. As they get more time together they will progress in speed and transitions. In the SD their

synchronization was great in the circular step sequence, their lift was catchy and they did a very good job. Their FD is choreographed by Dean so it is the right thing not to expect much from this couple at the beginning of the season because Dean's choreo's are technically hard, complicated and mighty! They were accused by illegal elements and extended lifts, sorry but its a Dean choreography and it was a terriffic choreography. Ofcourse they will change those movements but I still hate to see that illegal movement expression for a FD. I'm pretty sure that one illegal movement is one of my favorites when it says "Stairway to heaven" she does this tinkly minkly movement with her arms after the opening. It was a killian hold. I believe Emily Samuelson has great skating skills ( Go toepoint!) and deserves a better partner that can sell her and accomplish every move polished just like she does. But I still think they should've been ranked higher, especially higher than the Chinese.
Cup of China rate;
Judges scoring : -2
Organization :- 3
Performances: -1
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