Here they are! Pechalat and Bourzat in a place where every Ice dancer should be. They are Innovative! Grishuk/Platov, Usova/Zhulin, Navka/Kostomarov, Anissina/Peizerat, have done this in the past. They always came up with something new and they all have taken risks! They never wanted to go safe although they knew that this might have been their end in their careers. It is so important as an ice dancer to be bold and brave. And I'm not seeing this in team Canton anymore. Meryl and Charlie's program (I hate to say this but) no matter how well it was executed, is expected. Them and Virtue/Moir are not that much of reformists as I thought for them to be. I used to think that this two couple would be legendary in terms of taking risks and diversity. But now they are not standing out of their comfort zones. To execute a program impeccably like Meryl and Charlie did, is nearly impossible! But I'm not seeing anything interesting, astonishing and suprising in this choreography. Even though their dancing always gets me the chills and thrills me. Yes, it has a variety of difficulties in terms of technicallity but you just cannot move foward without taking risks. I'm not saying like a program shouldn't be romantic or classic. It can be.

This music has so much potential to bring out! but instead of using it wisely they have chosen to skate in it with the moves and sequence patterns they are perfect in it and doing for the last 5-6 years. There is nothing I haven't seen from Meryl and Charlie before. They need editing in this program choreographywise to make it work. They have performed it impeccably and thats how they got the points. But there is just nothing new.
Their lifts and twists and turns and twizzles are outstanding but I want to see more. If they edit this program it can turn out to be something phenomenal just like last season they can win the world title again. Pechalat and Bourzat on the other hand were tremendous. They are not flawless skaters but there were edgy lines and very hard twists and turns in this choreography and they have done it gorgeously. Styling was amazing their outfits and makeup was so well done and it was out there and it was obviously aforethought. Some balance loosing moments were there and it cost them points!

They need to focus and work on those weak points. Most innovative lifts of the season mark my word. They have an admirable theme they have executed very well. All of the egyptian movements are used in right places makes it even more thriving. They can accomplish something enchanted in the World Champs if they progress throughout the season. Passing to Hubell and Donohue, I believe they have some moves which are exaggerated and kills some of the moments. Besides that they were fast and attractive. This program needs some editing either and they can really pull this off. Madison urgently needs so loose some weight or in some point she may not look flattering at all. They were sexy and charming. Let's see how they will react to critiszm and if they improve this routine. Tobias and Stagniunias were has a very expected choreography which we have seen so many times in the ice dancing history.

There is nothing intriguing about it. Kharis Ralph and Asher Hill were flawless. I so adored this couple. Their opening was unlike the others and there was harmony and lightness in this Free dance. I can see them coming in a very good spot in a few years. They are theatratical and enjoyable. They were adgy and diversity is a majority of their dance. Their rotational lift was very fast and splendid their stationary lift was very difficult their straight line lift on one foot was flowy and fascinating. They can really progress this throughout the season and be in the top 5. Asher Hiss is a very elegant man. He was born to be an ice dancer. Last but not least Paul and Isham I believe did a fantastic job. I dont think jury gave them the points they deserved. They were enchanting.
Last point; Pechalat and Bourzat's choreography was the best but I see 10.00's on D/W's. Jury wanted them to win and they did it.
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