It was the most unpredictable, heart beating fast world championship ever! But I I'll come to Davis/White and Virtue/Moir comparison later. First, lets talk about the Short Dance section beause it decomposes the couples and the rates between the programs. It was a huge shock to see Crone/Poirier 10th ater the Short dance. I personally think that their Short dance was very elegant and unique but if well look technically to see them behind other many programs is nothing they deserved. They were strong and kept the harmony, they were incredibly fast. Untill the end in the twizzles, they were technically almost perfect. Only missed a second in the end so they should have been ranked at least 35 for their executed elements. Given -1 mostly for their twizzle made their GOE -0.43 which is very low.

As we look at Weaver and Poje they were fantastic. Really don't know how their program component score was that low.They should have been 5th in front of Ilınykh/Katsalapov and even Dobrov/Soloviev. Kaitlyn's beautiful smile and their positive energy always reflects the ıce. So this program was even more beautiful. They didn't made and mistake. Not even a miss. When Kaitlyn's hair opened in the perfect time it was one of the highlights of the event. Its something that they can't even do on purpose ieven if they've wanted to. So it was great. Pechalat/Bourzat presented the greatest SD program in this season. They were confident and everything just went well. In executed elements they were so close to Davis/White almost the same. Virtue/Moir got the highest technical scores butDavis/White got the highest program components. Last year it was the same. Virtue/Moir were ahead of Davis/White,after the FD even though Davis/White were better but it wasn't enough to reach the top at the podium unlike this year.

In SD, Davis/White had something that can't be seen but kept them a bit slow and unsure. They were a bit exited either. Virtue/Moir's step sequence was exquisite. They were really back. They were confident. Tessa was smiling. But to be off the ice for the whole season always makes the perception of estrangement for the audience. So its a very big success.

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