Current Standings after the Short Dance,

Virtue and Moir on the lead followed by White and Davis, Weaver and Poje are 3rd, a suprise, Shibutani & Shibutani following them and Crone&Poirier are 5th, which is a very big disapointment for me.
Tessa and Scott were so nervous before the dance I thought Tessa's heart was going to jump out from her chest. It was their first time competing since 2010 March so ıt was a big shot for them.
Stating to a Tango and then switching to one of the most beautiful songs in film history Nights&Days by Waldemar Kazanecki which is obviously Shpilband or Zueva's suggestion, I really wanted to join them, it was an elegant dance with a sentimental mood but also gives you hope. They were smiling during the dance but in the mean time they were looking very sexy so there was a great balance between the feelings. Loved the grey dress of Tessa.

Timing wasn't so great as I hoped it would be and it wasn't their usual performance. Don't get me wrong it was a great performance but It was their first this season and they didn't get the chance to recover and were not able to exercise, they didn't had enough time so I know what they are capable to do and I think this short dance is going to be technically so much better in the worlds. I really believe in this Short Dance.

Thats why Davis and White's program components ranked higher even though at overall they are 2nd. But it wasn't a succesful opening. It technically reflected their points. But they wraped up quickly so rest of the points were very high. About Weaver and Poje, it may seem like they've got very high points especially in the executed elements but actually they have the highest base value so, it is normal for them to be 1-2 points ahead of V&M-D&W, Virtue & Moir's GOE is higher but with base values, Weaver and Poje lead in technical scores.It's the same reason, Shibutani & Shibutani had a higher element score, even though Crone & Poirier's program components were higher. Crone & Poirier has great edgility but not so easy in changing positions.

You can see from this performance that they achieved so much this year yet you cannot see that they are done. There is so much more in their potential.
Last but not least, Weaver and Poje's fluidity in this Short Dance ımpressed me one more time.
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