It was obvious. As I've said before, Pechalat & Bourzat we're great. I said so much about this Short dance in my last post so I will not again. It was "Absolutely french"

As we come to Bobrova & Soloviev, this was their best short dance performance that I've seen in this season. That's for sure. They started with fluidity and the twizzle part was technicaly good. They stand like champions, which I think is a great way to be in front of the jury. Stance of a person is the greatest power that changes other peoples thoughts, attitudes and behaviors towards him and Jury sees self confidence. There was one minor disharmony after the part lady leans stands back they take the position to
outside hold, fastly to
combo spin and
outside hold again while she removes her right leg back he removes his left leg foward. This is the hardest part in the patters sequence. But I found them succesfull. They deserve to be on the 2nd spot
Ilnykh & Katsalapov were fast and furious. They never slowed down, technically great cheorographed by Zhulin. Everything just fitted. They got up there and just did it. I noticed that they were highly concantrated, which led them to success.

They are only 0.02 points in front of Riazanova & Thachenko whom were wonderfully elegant. There was a great harmony in that performance. Creativity lies inside the classic moves which gives you hope for the future of the Ice Dance. I always expect these little moves from coaches. I think its what Ice Dancing is all about. Kerr's, they were amazing. I just wanted to scream it was wonderful. To be honest, I wasn't sure about them before the championships begun but they absolutely rocked. I hope they finish it with a silver.
Their speed was wonderful. The linking footwork sequences almost perfect and loved their spins. One of the highest marked components of their presentation was timing.The highest was "Performance" with 7.89 which should be 8.50 at least. But when do we all agree with jury? :) Good Work Sinead & John.

Faiella & Scalli. Loss of balance as usual.. but they wraped up nicely so I think they should'nt be placed 9th. So my prediction is that after the FD, nothing will change and their positions will remain the same.